Made by Wu Liewei,2016
Artisit book.
Material:Extra smooth paper.
Dimensions:21 x 30cm
邬烈威作品 2016 摄影书
尺寸:21 x 30cm.
喝完这,露骨的晚风,一杯下肚后,还有... 我把心里想说的都串成了图片小说。
Explicit night breeze Ⅰ
Mistake in main and often express, through the acquisition of the night breeze drinkability hid behind the lens.
I think, for you have words to say to the world.Many misunderstandings still explanation is not clear, so is very precious.Love/hate, as its stroke.
After drinking it, explicit night breeze, after a glass of drink, and...I want to say what's on your mind all string into novel images.Wind and heat are inconclusive results - they through the fluid mobility and the enthusiasm of the tacit understanding to promote human spirit.
They battle is the most beautiful, however, in the top of the sky, the clouds formand quickly spread out there, like a animal games.
The sun disappeared day by day becomes more elusive, it grew into the sky, as the moon rises, the other a gust of wind blew up, and in the opposite direction to all events.
I made a new attempt, collected many wind rustled nature thus sound produced by the intersection, when open the physical book, the voice of the wind lead me forward...